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Cardinal Pell

Two weeks and two funeral masses for two giants of the Church. Last week was Pope Emeritus Benedict, this week was Cardinal Pell. Cardinal Pell died last Tuesday following an operation on his hip. The highest ranked Australian clergyman in the church brought a real Australian presence to Rome. I attended to the requiem mass on Saturday held on the Altar of St Peters on the Chair, with a group of eight from the college that included many non-Australians that said he made a big impact on there faith life. The mass was said in Latin by Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re. who is the Dean of the college of cardinals, the Deacon for the mass was Rev Richard Sofatzis, who is an Australian from Sydney studying at the North American College.

The day before the his coffin was available for viewing and prayer time in a small church of Santo Stefano degli Abissini. that is situated at the back of St. Peters in the Vatican and is generally off limits to the public. I was due to serve at mass for him on Australia Day for celebrations to be held at Domus Australia, for the Australian Catholic's that are in Rome, but unfortunately it wasn't to be.

Prayers for the deceased Cardinal in Santo Stefanos, on Friday.

A back door entry to St Peter's thanks to French college student with a contact allowed us to cut the line, which looked like to be about an hour wait to get into St Peter's.

Choir warming up before the Mass.

The entrance procession with coffin at the rear.

Chair of St Peter Altar.

Cardinal Pell at rest in the coffin.

About 50 cardinals were in attendance and a congregation of around 500.

Deacon Richard assisting Cardinal Battista Re.

The final blessing was given to by Pope Francis.

Thanks to Ben for Photos, I think you can tell his.

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